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[ littlekutu ] Facial with IDS!
01 September 2021

2 weeks back .. i went to IDS for a review and facial ! This time i brought my ah lao along ! He saw a significant improve in his complexion after using *ahem* my products lOL and decided to join me for my facial LOL.


I was booked on a Cryo Therapeutics Treatment (CTT) targeting dull and sensitive skin. I love it that my therapist was very patient in explaining what she is doing to my face. cleansing, extracting, repairing and penetrating with serums and masking. The whole process was very soothing and calming. * check out my ids highlight on my ig @littlekutu !! btw.. the brightening and glow on my face after the facial lasted for a whole week. my pores looks significantly smaller and skin are definitely more supple. i think this was really different to the facial that i did many years back at other salon, which includes extraction that left my complexion red and angry for a few days. i was quite traumatised with that and i nv went for any facial anymore lOL. i was really worried that i kept asking the IDS therapist if the extraction gona be painful and if theres any ” downtime” for my skin to recover loll… THANKFULLY I EXPERIENCE NONE OF THAT. she was really gentle and i experience zero pain. not only that, i love the icy cold cyroprobe that were use to soothe the face after the extraction. super shiok.


Here are the snippets of my igstory of my facial. Documenting the whole process of the facial! From cleansing, extracting, repairing to masking! And check out the final pic after facial with zero make up on.



My ah lao did the dewmist treatment. he is one of those very few lucky guy that are blessed with good skin lah. generally not much problem with his skin cos he is more diligent than me when it comes to skin care lol. his skin is better than mine ok wtf. but the dewmist that he did, left his face glowy and indeed… dewy LOL . He is so hiao and picky with his already very good skin. he complained to DR Ben about his wrinkle HAHAHHAAHAH… which to me tt wrinkle he pointed out is insignificant to me omg. guys got wrinkle den look more manly right???!!!! no??? and guess what.. he did a 10 unit botox on his forehead wrinkles. HAHAHAHAAHAH…. faint. but tt wrinkle.. really disappear few days later… wth lOL.


We are gona head back to IDS tml again for a review on his botox and me for some laser treatment !!!!!


Please stay tune on my ig stories and i will be back here to blog about the experience too!



*Credits to littlekutu

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